
The book is both a manual on how to activate intelligence and also a forum for dialogue in which the reader and the writer come together. A river that gets bigger as it touches various flows. In this article the ideas of the greats rest and are transmitted for generations, also inspiring to renew and restyle collective knowledge.

The most macabre governments usually create a blockade of access to Literature because they see something subversive in it. The real danger lies in spreading ignorance and normalizing it. And it is that what is left written testifies to the past, speaks of the present and maintains the hopes of the future. Which for a machiavellian mind is not benign.

Whoever reads learns to write by the mere influence that the eidetic body of Literature has, learns to refute with his own criteria every thought that reaches his hands. He rebaptizes the world in a powerful way and acquires an ability to play with concepts. There is a very important relationship between the book and the reader, a relationship of correlativity. The book is interiorization and exteriorization par excellence.

The book is a vehicle of education and although it comes only from ink and paper, it has that essence of a tree. It is the most beautiful thing that a tree can be transformed into.

Man and tree, flowing and streams, fulfills being all those forms at once. Something so simple and mystical at the same time. Without the power of written language you take away from man all faculty of being a symbolic being just as man is.

As a child I confess that speech fascinated me making me question where cohesion comes from in order to understand each other, the beauty of the spanish language seemed enigmatic to me, but years later I discovered that there were more languages and something more powerful the written language that descends in the climax of wisdom: the book.

I imagine heaven as a huge library where Father God would solve the riddles that still envelop us on Earth. That is why the book is something mundane and at the same time something heavenly.

If you have indulged in a good read you will know that I am not exaggerating, the invaluable value of the book.

For one book the wise men were sent to the gallows, for one book the course of existence was changed.

Let's not pile them up as if they were garbage without having penetrated the beauty of their contents.

Author:Julián Alberto Guillén López

Date: 10/22/22

Country: Mexico


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