The Prince Ilufoye Noah Adekunle quote "Low men always look down on themselves i.e see nothing, Average men always have a normal view i.e seeing things normally, Great men always have sky view i.e seeing the invisible, Extraordinary or distinctive men always practice them all" captures different mindsets and perspectives that characterizes varying levels of personal development and vision:

Low Men: This refers to individuals who tend to have low self-esteem or confidence. By "looking down on themselves," they focus on limitations, failures, or negatives, often resulting in a lack of vision or progress ("seeing nothing").

Average Men: These individuals maintain a standard, everyday perspective. They see things as they are, without significant optimism or pessimism. They perceive the world in a conventional manner, focusing on what is immediately visible and understood ("seeing things normally").

Great Men: Describing visionary thinkers and leaders, "great men" are able to see beyond the ordinary. They possess the ability to "see the invisible," identifying opportunities, potential, and solutions that others may overlook. Their "sky view" represents a broad, imaginative, and forward-thinking perspective.

Extraordinary or Distinctive Men: These individuals practice and incorporate all the perspectives. They understand the importance of recognizing limitations (like low men), maintaining realistic views (like average men), and nurturing visionary perspectives (like great men). This adaptability and comprehensive understanding set them apart, allowing them to address situations from multiple angles.

Overall, the quote suggests that true distinctiveness and success come from the ability to balance and draw insights from a range of perspectives. By integrating humility, realism, and vision, one can navigate life with a richer, more nuanced understanding, and seize opportunities for growth and innovation.

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