The quote "Life is a drama, God is the author, we are the artist, lest I forget God with us" draws on theatrical imagery to explore the relationships and roles within the human experience:

1. **Life is a drama**: This metaphor suggests that life is a complex, unfolding story filled with various acts, scenes, emotions, and events—much like a theatrical performance. It implies that life is dynamic and full of challenges, changes, and narratives.

2. **God is the author**: In this view, God is seen as the creator or scriptwriter of the drama of life. This suggests a divine plan or purpose, where God designs and sets the stage for the human experience. God, as the author, knows the overarching story and its intended direction.

3. **We are the artist**: Humans are described as the artists or performers in this drama, interpreting and bringing the script to life. As artists, people have the agency to express, create, and interact with the world, making choices that shape their individual and collective stories.

4. **Lest I forget God with us**: This phrase serves as a reminder of God's constant presence and guidance within the drama. It underscores the belief that while individuals have the freedom to act and create, they do so with divine presence and support alongside them.

The quote emphasizes the interplay between divine orchestration and human creativity:

- **Role of God and Humans**: It highlights a belief in a divine plan while also stressing human responsibility and freedom to shape one's path.

- **Presence of God**: Emphasizing "God with us" reinforces the idea of an accessible and supportive divine presence, offering encouragement and assistance as individuals navigate their roles in the drama of life.

In summary, the quote reflects a harmonious blend of divine purpose and human artistry, reminding us that while life is part of a larger narrative authored by a higher power, each individual plays a vital, creative role in how that story unfolds, with the assurance of divine presence throughout the journey.

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