The Prince Ilufoye Noah Adekunle quote "The ability you are using now will show itself when you can't use it again" highlights the concept of recognizing and appreciating one's abilities, often only fully understood in their absence:

The Ability You Are Using Now: This refers to the skills, talents, or faculties that a person is currently employing. These could be physical, mental, or emotional abilities that contribute to one’s day-to-day activities and achievements.

Will Show Itself: This suggests that the true value and significance of these abilities may not be fully apparent while they are in active use. Their importance and impact might only be recognized later.

When You Can't Use It Again: This part refers to the time when one loses or can no longer access those abilities. It could be due to circumstances like aging, health issues, or changes in life situations.

The essence of the quote conveys:

Recognition After Loss: People often take their abilities for granted when they are in full use. It is commonly only after losing these capacities that individuals truly understand and appreciate the extent of their value and contribution to their lives.

Encouragement for Present Awareness: By highlighting this delayed recognition, the quote encourages individuals to be mindful and grateful for their current abilities. It suggests embracing and valuing what we have while we have it.

In summary, the quote is a reminder to appreciate and recognize the skills and talents we possess, emphasizing that their true significance often becomes clear only when they are no longer available. It encourages living with gratitude and awareness of one's present capabilities, fostering a sense of appreciation before any potential loss.

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